You focus on your business,

we’ll focus on your videos.

Here at VydeoEase we make video editing easy. We will focus on editing your videos so you can focus on other important things that need your attention. If you want to know more about our services, please visit our website. If you want to enroll to our services, click our sign up form to view our available packages.

I started VydeoEase because I felt there was a need for cost-effective video post-production for small to medium-sized businesses. While our niche is real estate agents, I’ve noticed that coaches and many other small businesses want to use our service because it saves them a huge amount of time and effort. I’ve always had an interest in being an entrepreneur. Since we were young, I would pitch ideas to my wife, and every time I heard, “Meh, yeah, that’s good, but…” or “Good idea, but how would we make money?”. I hadn’t thought it out completely.

Through years of learning and then teaching marketing to small and medium-sized businesses in my B2B publishing roles, I saw that there are people who own businesses, and they are amazing at what they do. I knew engineers who could create magic out of thin air and then put it on a shelf, waiting for someone to buy it. I met many small business owners who knew they had to do something to get their name out there to help sell their products, but they just didn’t take it to the next step to become big. Since being in real estate, I have tried everything to market myself. Posts, ads, direct mailers—I won’t door knock or cold call just because I hate it when people try to sell me something when I’m not ready to.

Then I met my video mentor, who put the video into perspective. It’s there when the prospect wants to learn about your service or product. With YouTube, you’re searchable. When a prospect is searching on Google or YouTube, they will see your video. Your video works 24 hours a day. Video will attract the right people to your business. Being consistent helps you in more ways than you think. I need to manage my business, not videos. So I started recording myself, and I was horrible and nervous; I couldn’t even put a sentence together. I didn’t know what to say next to stitch it all together. Editing took 6–10 hours because I wanted it just perfect. And that took away from bringing in new business. I knew I had to hire someone to help me. I enjoyed the editing part. It was my creative outlet. But I also knew that I was bringing in more business. So I set time aside to hire someone with the idea that this has to be a pain for millions of business owners across the world.

It took me months of creating a job request, screening, interviewing, and coming up with the most talented editors I could find. Then I knew it would take even more time to show them what I wanted, and I trained them to deliver finished videos on time. This was so painful! It took way more time for me to focus on working with someone who had a business opportunity.

I pitched this idea to my wife, and for the first time in almost 30 years, she said, “This is the one!” So I talked to my editors and said we needed to make this into a business. And they were on board. They love coming up with ideas and new ways to deliver great videos. They have complete ownership of learning new techniques, sharing with the rest of the crew, and helping each other out when something happens to them or their computers. I’m so grateful that I met these amazing people. They love their job. They love helping our clients, and we’re all benefiting from it. We’re not perfect, but we admit our failures and make good on them. We’re willing to try new ideas in the hope of creating a new service that others will benefit from. We’re always learning from each other and our clients on how we can improve our service by 1% every day.

As I said before, we aren’t perfect. We have growing pains and issues, but we’re all working together to make our service better. The key offerings VydeoEase delivers are videos delivered consistently every week and on time. Technical skills are taught so our clients don’t have to learn, master, and teach them. Managed editors who always strive to make each video better. Management staff that takes ownership of their department. Willingness to learn from our clients. Admit it when we make mistakes. Improving our offerings to make our client’s businesses flourish.

I’m so grateful that I met these amazing people. They love their job. They love helping our clients and we’re all benefiting from it. We’re not perfect, but we admit our failures and make good on them. We’re willing to try new ideas in hope of creating a new service that others will benefit from.

We’re always learning from each other and our clients on how we can improve our service 1% every day. Like I said before, we aren’t perfect. We have growing pains, we have issues, but we’re all working together to make our service better.

The key offerings VydeoEase delivers, are: Videos delivered consistently every week, on time. Technical Skills taught so our clients don’t have to learn, master and teach them. Managed Editors that always strive to make each video better. Management staff that take ownership of their department. Willingness to learn from our clients. Admit it when we make mistakes. Improving our offerings to make our clients business flourish.

VydeoEase Subscription Plans

Choose a plan that fits your needs best.


Don’t foget to use your affiliate code to receive an additional $50 off of your monthly subscription.

If you have questions, feel free to tap us and let’s have a conversation.


Frequently Ask Questions

How many videos per month?

For each plan, we will edit one video a week. We’re working with some clients that have multiple channels and we edit and post 2-3 videos a week for them. We recommend when starting out, do one video per week with us, so you don’t burn out.

Does it include B-Roll, music, lower thirds, graphics?

Yes, you are encouraged to send us your library of B-Roll and music choices. Your B-Roll belongs to you and we’ll never use it with another client. We also have a large library of Stock B-Roll that we can pull from.

Will I have the same Editor every time?

Yes. The whole purpose of this is that you will have a relationship with your editor, who will learn your likes, disllikes, styles etc. The only caveat is that sometimes our editors will go on vacation, get sick or maybe their computer breaks down. We have you covered with other editors who will take over when that happens. 

While we understand the video won’t be the same style, it’ll be close.

What if I don’t want to do listing videos or the value add items in my subscription?

Tell us! We can only assume what you feel is valuable. If it’s valuable to you as a video creator, let us know. It may be valuable to the rest of our clients and we can change and adapt our programs to make it better for everyone!

Can you do 5-6 videos a month?

Not a problem. We can adjust your subscription to a custom program that makes sense to you and your budget.

Is there an affiliate program?

Yes! You can make 10% in perpetuity on any business you refer into VydeoEase. We want you to be happy and stay happy! Click here or send an email to and ask about our program and how it works.

Do you upload my video to my YouTube Channel?

Yes. That’s the most important part. You can submit all the information you want us to upload to your youtube channel and schedule it for your live date.

Do you upload my video to other channels?

Yes, that is on the Easiest Plan, and we’re very eager to help you with this too.

How long does it take to edit my video?

Our Editors work with a list of clients. Once your video is sent into the queue, we’ll start working on it 7 days before it’s scheduled to go live. Once we start working on it, it will take about 4 business days  to finish the first draft. You’ll be sent the first draft for your approval or request to make changes. Each request for changes takes 1 business day to get back into your approval queue. So we ask that you try to do it in one review. It takes time to learn about the process and we’re happy to work with you, but typically, we’ll set change requests to 3 max per video.

Can you do a teaser so I can get viewers from other social channels to my youtube channel?

We can, and we are currently looking into this as an additional part of our offerings. If you’re interested in helping us test this, please let us know.

When you post do you help with seo and keywords?

That has to come from you. When you come up with your topic and title, your research should include what viewers are looking for so you can adapt your video to that. That Said, we’re also working on a program to help our clients with a larger spectrum of marketing services.

I want to batch record and send everything in at one time, can you manage that?

Yes you can, and you absolutely should batchload as many videos as you can at one time each month. Let’s face it, we aren’t a newscaster, or a movie star. We have businesses to run, and video marketing is just one aspect of how we go to business.  Take all your videos, upload them at one time, schedule them based on your priority and move on to the next task for your business. We will take care of the rest of the details.

How do you keep track of my style, videos, b-roll etc?

Right now it’s very manual. We spent a lot of time defining the process so that it’s fluid and easy for our clients to see each step.

We’re working on a portal that will allow you to enter, see your dashboard, your style guide, your B-Roll Library and your queue of future, current and past videos. You’ll also be able to communicate directly through the portal, or your email.

Again we’re trying to make it easy.

What if I want to cancel after I sign up for the annual subscription?

We have a 30 day cancellation policy once you’re in the system. Meaning once you send in your cancellation request, we’ll terminate your subscription at the next month mark. You will however, lose any discounts and legacy pricing once that happens.

Before signing up, we highly recommend that you give us a try with our trial. We’ll edit a basic video, add your intro, and b-roll that you send us. We will not upload it to your channel.

Try it here:

Who owns the video once you’re done?

It’s yours. We don’t own anything except the privilege of helping to share it on our channel. We do reserve the right to use your video for promotional purposes, but we’ll tag your channel. 

That said, we’re not responsible if you ask us to use copyrighted material. Please be sure to never send us anything copyrighted, unless you have explicit permission from the owner.

How long do you keep the video assets?

Brand Card, B-Roll, Intro Etc, you keep on your cloud drive.

The video assets will be used temporarily. We will keep it for 30 days. Just in case you somehow lose it and need it. We routinely delete older assets after 60-90 days.

Can you do other marketing projects for us?

Right now, we’re happy to discuss your needs and see if we can accommodate. Eventually, we’ll lay out a full marketing plan from start to finish. 

Book a call with us using this link:

Do you do free trials?

While we don’t offer a Free Trial, we do offer a $5 Trial. Give us a try by using this link:

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